Jin-Hwan CHO • 조진환 • 趙珍煥
My current position is
Moderator at ICIM (Innovation Center for Industrial Mathematics), since March 2018
- Principal Researcher at NIMS (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences), since September 2014
- Vice President of KMS (Korean Mathematical Society), since January 2023
and formerly,
- Founding Director of ICIM (Innovation Center for Industrial Mathematics) for two years (2016–2017)
- Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematics, The University of Suwon for ten years (2004–2014)
- Research Fellow at School of Mathematics, KIAS (Korea Institute for Advanced Study) for four years (2000–2004)
- Visiting Research Fellow at Department of Mathematics, Osaka City University for one year (1999-2000).
I received a Ph.D. degree (Mathematics) in 1999 at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology).
My interests are as follows.
- PyTorch, TensorFlow, Google OR-Tools « Data Science « Mathematics for Industry
- Topological Data Analysis, Transformation Groups « Algebraic Topology « Mathematics
- XeTeX, dvipdfmx « TeX Typesetting System « Digital Typography
- Python, C, Mathematica « Programming Languages
I’m working on Mathematics for Industry at ICIM.
Springer series, Mathematics for Industry says:
The meaning of “Mathematics for Industry” (sometimes abbreviated as MI or MfI) is different from that of “Mathematics in Industry” (or of “Industrial Mathematics”). The latter is restrictive: it tends to be identified with the actual mathematics that specifically arises in the daily management and operation of manufacturing. The former, however, denotes a new research field in mathematics that may serve as a foundation for creating future technologies. This concept was born from the integration and reorganization of pure and applied mathematics in the present day into a fluid and versatile form capable of stimulating awareness of the importance of mathematics in industry, as well as responding to the needs of industrial technologies. The history of this integration and reorganization indicates that this basic idea will someday find increasing utility. Mathematics can be a key technology in modern society.
Recent contribution to a newspaper — “그곳에 가면 산업수학 모더레이터가 있다”
I have the following qualities:
- I’m extremely loyal to my wife, SONG.